Greens' Statement on How to vote (HTV) Decisions


The Queensland Greens have confirmed that the following parties will feature in some way on the half a million Queensland Greens how-to-vote cards for the Senate to be handed out at pre-poll and on polling day:

  • Arts Party
  • Animal Justice Party
  • Cyclists Party
  • Glenn Lazarus Team
  • Labor Party
  • Marriage Equality Party
  • Renewable Energy Party

The Queensland Greens’ members have chosen to preference the ALP ahead of the LNP in all 30 lower house seats in Queensland.

“In line with our commitment to grassroots participatory democracy, the suggestions to be put to voters on Greens how-to-vote cards in Queensland are informed by the membership by way of a party-wide ballot. The Queensland Greens ballot every member of the party and then distil the results of this ballot to determine the order of preference recommendations for each lower house electorate and the senate,” said Penny Allman-Payne, Queensland Greens Convenor.”

“The order and frequency of parties appearing on our senate ticket varies across electorates – this reflects the differences in our party ballot results across branches. As we are making six preference recommendations, not all the parties listed above will appear on all Queensland Greens how-to-vote cards.”

“The Queensland Greens are proud to be a party that gives its members a real say in policy, pre-selections and preference recommendations.”


Penny Allman-Payne

0431 892 589