Greens support community keeping pressure on to stop Adani mine


The Queensland Greens are backing a public rally being held in Brisbane today to demand state and federal government end their support for the massive Adani coal mine in central Queensland.

Greens spokesperson Andrew Bartlett says "it is clear we are facing a climate crisis, with temperature records being broken every month, and severe weather events becoming more frequent."

"It is simply crazy for the federal Liberal and state Labor governments to be prepared to support and allow the opening up of massive new coal deposits.

"The Great Barrier Reef is under unprecedented stress. The tens of thousands of permanent jobs that depend on a healthy reef, along with the many more jobs that would come if governments gave proper support for developing renewable energy industries, far outweigh the jobs and revenue that would come from another coal mine.

"Until governments explicitly commit to halting the opening of any new coal mines, they cannot expect the public to believe they are taking the very real global warming threat seriously."

A snap-rally in support of the Reef is being held at 6pm today in Brisbane's King George Square. It follows a Court ruling yesterday which ruled in favour of Adani.

For further comment, contact Andrew Bartlett on 0418 743 789.