Greens support domestic violence services’ call for funding to help women instead of turning them away


The Australian Greens welcome the domestic violence service representatives visiting Parliament House today and support their call for funding to save women and children’s lives.
“It’s a tragic shame that these life-saving groups have had to come to Canberra to plead for enough funding,” Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens spokesperson for women, said.
“Women’s refuges, legal services and call centres must not be forced to turn away women.
“Currently, they’re forced to leave women to face the choice of homelessness or violence.
“Fine words and ribbon-wearing are not enough from the Prime Minister.
“As the groups are calling for, the Government needs to put its money where its mouth is
“In its upcoming budget, The Turnbull Government must reverse its scheduled 30 per cent funding cut to Community Legal Centres (CLCs) to take effect from next financial year. The top two work areas for CLCs are family violence and family law.
“The Turnbull Government also needs to stop presiding over the gutting of domestic violence leave in the public service, which sets a disgraceful example for other sectors,” Senator Waters said.