Greens support rally's call for Qld Govt action on youth detention


The Queensland Greens are supporting calls at a rally today in Brisbane for major change in the youth detention and justice system in Queensland.

Greens spokesperson Andrew Bartlett said "we cannot kid ourselves that the shocking examples of abuse at the Don Dale youth detention centre in Darwin are a one off."

A rally is being held today in Brisbane's King George Square from 1:00 pm calling for reform towards youth detention.

"The evidence is clear that brutalising children in prisons simply makes the cycle of violence and harm more likely to continue and increase the prospects of them reoffending and being back in prison in the future," Mr Bartlett said. 

"We need to be investing less in prisons and more in support and diversion services.

"The Greens support governments adopting a justice reinvestment model which assists communities and families break the cycle of crime and punishment.

"The over-representation of Indigenous youth in our prisons in Queensland and in other states is scandalous. This can only be addressed by resourcing and supporting Indigenous organisations and communities at local level."

For more information, contact Andrew Bartlett.