GREENS: Time for faster, stronger action on clean energy and a just transition for workers


The Queensland Greens welcome the release of the draft Renewable Energy Expert Panel but call for faster, stronger action on clean energy and a just transition for workers.

Greens spokesperson Andrew Bartlett said "the Greens welcome this draft report, which confirms that clean energy is good for jobs, but we are dismayed at the years of delay, lack of ambition, and no transition plan for coal power workers.

"Global warming is an urgent threat to the Great Barrier Reef and to Queensland's future, and this report is another case of too-little-too-late from this Government.

"If Labor is serious about cutting emissions and growing job-rich renewable energy it can start by matching the Greens by boosting the clean energy target to at least 90% by 2030 and including a just transition plan for coal communities."

"Almost two years into the Palaszczuk Government it is disappointing that the Expert Panel will not hand down a final report until 2017.

"Coal power stations will inevitably close, and we need a plan for an orderly phase-out which looks after workers and communities rather than leaving this to the chaos of the market.

"Labor's decision on Monday to fast-track the dangerous Adani mega coal mine shows they are still stuck in the past on coal."

Contact: Andrew Bartlett 0418 743 789.