Greens will take $20 billion from multinational mining companies and give it back to Queenslanders


The Queensland Greens plan to raise an extra $20 billion over five years by increasing coal and gas royalties, and scrapping subsidies to multinational mining companies.

“The plan we announced today will see $20 billion given back to Queenslanders to spend on schools, affordable housing and creating tens of thousands of jobs”, says Michael Berkman, Greens candidate for Maiwar.

"Right now Queensland charges some of the lowest coal and gas royalty rates in the world, letting mining corporations take billions of extra dollars in profits"

“Our plan would see coal and gas rates, currently 7% and 10% respectively, go to 18.75%, raising $26 billion over five years. We’ll also scrap subsidies to mining corporations and ban any expansion of dangerous coal or gas.”

“That’s an extra $20 billion for Queenslanders and no new dangerous coal or gas projects across the State.”

“During the mining boom Queensland missed an opportunity of a lifetime by offering incredibly low mining royalty rates and allowing billions of dollars to go into the pockets of billionaires instead of more schools, hospitals and affordable housing.

“In the last few years of coal and gas, we need to make sure Queenslanders get their fair share.”

"Every Queenslander has the right to live a comfortable and enjoyable life with access to quality education, a fulfilling job, healthcare, and an affordable home. But if we want any of this we need to ask massive corporations to pay their fair share."

“Labor and the LNP are in the pockets of big business, they don’t represent us and that’s why people are switching their vote to Greens,” says Andrew Bartlett, spokesperson for the Queensland Greens.

“People from across the political spectrum are fed up with two parties that always put the interests of the big end of town first.

“The choice is clear; Labor and the LNP can either stop taking millions of dollars in corporate mining donations and giving dodgy companies like Adani special deals, or they can lose seats to the Greens.”

“Queenslanders suffering the lowest wage growth in a generation and a lack of affordable housing deserve representatives that won’t let mining companies rob them of billions by cutting special deals that give them some of the lowest royalty rates in the world.”

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