Gutting CSIRO climate science is the enemy of innovation


News that the Turnbull Liberal Government is sacking more CSIRO scientists, gutting climate science in Australia, shows what a climate-denialist government this is.  
Australian Greens Deputy Leader and climate change spokesperson, Senator Larissa Waters said: "Turnbull's mass sacking of climate scientists is the enemy of innovation."
"The Prime Minister's speech in Paris about tackling global warming with innovation was all empty rhetoric - he is keeping Abbott's climate policies and letting the Coalition climate dinosaurs rule."
"While so many communities across the country are suffering devastating droughts and the horrific aftermath of intense bushfires, the government is firing the climate scientists who can help us prevent and adapt to the extreme weather of global warming."
"With the rest of the world embracing clean energy, Australia may lose these exceptional minds to countries with governments that are listening to the science and acting on global warming," Senator Waters said.
Australian Greens science & research spokesperson, Adam Bandt, said: "Malcolm Turnbull is an innovation imposter if he allows these reported cuts at CSIRO to go ahead."
"The Liberal government's cuts to the CSIRO have already gutted them of staff and resources, and now we could see them lay off even more of Australia's leading researchers and scientists." 
"The Coalition's denialist dinosaurs continue to run the Turnbull government, just as they did under Tony Abbott," Mr Bandt said.