Hazelwood closure shows need for a Queensland coal power transition plan


In the wake of the closure of Hazelwood power station, the Queensland Greens today called on the state government to create a community-led transition plan away from coal power and towards clean energy.

Queensland Greens Convenor, Andrew Bartlett, said “The closure of Hazelwood announced today without a comprehensive transition plan in place shows the need for strong leadership from the Queensland State government as we transition to clean energy.

“Coal power stations will inevitably close, and we need a transition plan with an orderly phase-out which looks after workers and communities rather than leaving the decision to overseas corporate bosses.

“The Queensland State government must create a just transition plan for coal power workers and communities in Gladstone, Rockhampton and South East Queensland.

“We can create thousands of jobs in clean energy, energy efficiency retrofits, manufacturing and sustainable agriculture, but unless we acknowledge that coal power jobs will go, we can’t get started.

“Hazelwood workers had hoped for a phased shut-down of one unit at a time, but instead the corporate bosses chose to shut down the whole plant at once."

For further comment, contact Andrew Bartlett on 0418 743 789.

Background: In October, the Queensland Renewable Energy Expert Panel published a draft report which failed to acknowledge the inevitable need to close down coal power stations.