Hunt hypocritical on 5% pollution cut



The Turnbull government is claiming credit for pollution cuts to meet its measly 5 per cent target by 2020 which are driven by structural factors and by the carbon price that it scrapped.

“Crowing about meeting such a measly target is internationally embarrassing, especially as we’re still the largest polluter per capita in the developed world and the Turnbull Government’s targets will keep it that way,” Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens climate change spokesperson, said.

“The Department of Environment admitted in March 2015 that much of the pollution reductions are due to structural factors like falling demand for electricity, poor agricultural conditions, declining manufacturing and the downturn in coal mining. 

“The factors driving the pollution reduction are almost exclusively beyond Greg Hunt’s control. 

“The carbon price is partly responsible for pushing down electricity sector pollution, but now that it is gone, pollution is rising as coal power stations fire up and push out cleaner alternatives. 

“It’s the height of hypocrisy to crow about pollution cuts after axing effective climate action laws, slashing the RET, and while trying to abolish the CEFC and ARENA. 

“Direct Action is a sham and studies have shown that it would not have been able to meet even the government’s pathetic 5 per cent target on its own.

“Now is the time to raise our ambition, not rest on our laurels.” Senator Waters said.

 Contact – Monique Vandeleur 0419 626 725