Labor and Liberal Parties’ reef hypocrisy both dangerous and insincere


The Australian Greens condemn Queensland Labor’s reported decision this morning to approve mining leases for the Adani mega coal mine.

“Despite hollow promises to protect the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland Labor and the Turnbull Government have gone out of their way to put our Reef in unprecedented danger and set back global progress on tackling global warming,” Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens climate change spokesperson, said.
"Right now our Reef is getting cooked. The ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies has described it as ‘the worst mass bleaching event in its history’ and yet the two old parties’ coal obsession means they are adding fuel to the fire.

“The Adani mega mine is a disaster by every metric. It’s environmentally risky, it will be climate catastrophe and it makes no economic sense, with more than a dozen banks ruling out finance.

“Crying crocodile tears about coral bleaching while giving this dangerous mega mine the all clear is both hypocritical and irresponsible.

“The Great Barrier Reef is treasured around the world and creates jobs for 67,000 workers.

“If the two old parties continue down this dangerous path, they are going to have to explain to voters why they are putting our Reef at risk and holding Australians back from the clean energy industries and jobs of the future.”