Labor must put out Frydenberg’s renewables bonfire: Greens


In response to Environment & Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg’s comments that he will proceed with the $1.3 billion cut to ARENA grant funding, Greens Energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP called on Labor to abandon its support for the Liberals’ funding cuts.
“Labor must drop its election cut to ARENA and put out Josh Frydenberg’s renewable bonfire,” Mr Bandt said.
“The make up of the new Senate means we have an opportunity to protect the $1.3 billion of ARENA funding the Coalition wants to cut, but Labor needs to get on board.”

“Despite his warm words about renewables upon taking his new role, Frydenberg is proving to be no better than his predecessors.”
Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and climate change spokesperson, said:
“It's appalling that Labor would even consider supporting Tony Abbott’s dangerous plans to cut clean energy funding.”
"Now is the time to be investing in renewable technology, as the world embraces the clean-energy revolution to create a new wave of sustainable employment and to tackle global warming.”
"The Greens are calling on Labor to put Australia’s future first by showing some backbone in standing up their big polluter mates.”
“We Greens have worked successfully to block the abolition of ARENA and the CEFC in the Senate, and we will work with the new Senate to ensure clean energy funding is not axed right as it is most needed in our post-mining-boom economy,” Senator Waters said.
Media contacts:
Adam Bandt – Adam Pulford, 0429 109 054
Larissa Waters – Abraham O’Neill, 0439 758 860