Larissa Waters Responds to Minister Hunt's Australia's National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy


Responding to Environment Minister Hunt's announcement of Australia's National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Climate spokesperson Senator Larissa Waters said:
"While adaptation is an important part of dealing with the locked-in impacts of our already changed climate, it is no excuse for the Government to continue to drive global warming with its dangerous coal obsession.
"Today's announcement is a pathetic attempt to distract from the fact that the Turnbull Government's coal obsession is driving sea level rises. It is the equivalent of giving someone a bandaid for a cut on their left arm while cutting off their right leg.
"It is as if Minister Hunt is living in a parallel universe where he can acknowledge the impact of sea level rise on Australia's coastal communities, but refuses to accept that rising sea levels will see our Pacific neighbours inundated.
"It is insulting that Minister Hunt thinks he can get away with saying that he wants to avoid the creation of climate refugees, while coming to these global climate talks with pathetic pollution reduction targets and a coal obsession that will condemn our pacific neighbours to inundation.
"Instead of announcing a plan to put a bandaid on a gaping wound, the Environment Minister should listen to the calls of our closest neighbours stop digging up coal and commit to pollution reduction targets that will keep global warming below 1.5 degrees," said Senator Waters.