Liberal Govt’s global warming policy ineffective and unfunded



Reports today confirm the Liberal Government’s global warming policy is a sham and that there’s no long-term funding budgeted for the expensive policy.

Reporting of RepuTex modelling today shows that in the 2014-15 financial year Australia’s climate pollution rose for the first time in a decade and that national climate pollution is set to keep increasing to 2030.  

“It’s hardly surprising that as soon as the Liberals abolished the working carbon price and started paying big polluters to keep polluting, Australia’s climate pollution rose,” Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and climate spokesperson, said.

“The Liberal Government’s Direct Action sham gives away billions of dollars of taxpayer money to big polluters without any guarantee they will cut their pollution, even as communities across the country suffer the toll of intense bushfires.

“Even the Liberal Government must realise what a joke their policy is, since they haven’t budgeted long-term funding, leaving Australia without any global warming  policy at all.

“The rest of the world is taking action on global warming and seizing the economic opportunities of this global transition to a clean energy future.

“But the Liberal Government is just tipping billions of dollars into their big-polluter donors’ pockets until the money runs out.

“Instead that money should be going to clean energy to provide jobs that will last and to protect our very way of life, including from the horror of more frequent and intense bushfires,” Senator Waters said.

The Greens’ plan to achieve at least 90% renewables by 2030

Contact – Monique Vandeleur 0419 626 725