Liberals’ support for climate sceptic motion is anti-science and anti-jobs


The motion adopted by the NSW Liberals calling on the Turnbull Government to arrange public debates on whether climate change is real shows how out of touch the party is with science and the community.
“There must be a lot of tin foil hats getting around at Liberal Party meetings,” Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and climate change spokesperson, said.
“How can these people believe their own personal conspiracy theories yet ignore the global scientific consensus on global warming?
“Malcolm Turnbull keeps buckling to the climate dinosaurs in his party by allowing CSIRO climate science to be slashed and by keeping Tony Abbott’s hopeless climate policies.
“As a result, we’re missing out on the opportunities of the job-rich clean energy sector, while the rest of the world is rushing to take advantage of the global transition.
“We need courage and vision for action on global warming – not a Prime Minister who plays puppet to the climate dinosaurs of the Coalition,” Senator Waters said.
Contacts – Monique Vandeleur 0419 626 725.