Local Govt Poll Should not be Disrupted for 4 Year Terms Referendum



The Greens say local Councils in Queensland are once again being treated with contempt by the state government's still to be confirmed plan to hold a referendum on the day of local government elections in March.

Greens spokesperson Andrew Bartlett said the holding of the last local government elections in 2012 had to be deferred at the last minute due to Anna Bligh's decision to hold a state election on a date aimed at suiting her own political interests.

"Now Labor plans to put a state government related referendum on the same day as local government elections, which will undoubtedly disrupt campaigning and distract from election day itself."

"Even the fact that the Labor government has left this matter unresolved for so long shows their dismissive attitude towards local government. They should have cleared this matter up as soon as the relevant legislation passed Parliament last year."

"But regardless of when the referendum is held, the Greens reaffirm our opposition to four year terms in Queensland whilst we remain the only state without the protection of an Upper House to keep state governments in check," Mr Bartlett concluded.

For further comment, contact Andrew Bartlett on 0418 743 789.