Mark Latham’s sexist comments show urgent need for Sex Discrimination Commissioner



Mark Latham’s appalling comments about our admirable outgoing Australian of the Year, Rosie Batty, provide even more evidence the Liberal Government must stop delaying its already overdue appointment of a Sex Discrimination Commissioner.

“There is absolutely no excuse for domestic violence,” Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and spokesperson for women, said.

“The national effort to end domestic violence is not as Mr Latham describes ‘a campaign against all Australian men’ – most Australian men are strongly in support and many are a part of this national effort to save women’s lives.

“Mr Latham’s appalling comments add to the shockingly sexist start to the year, which has included a former federal Liberal Junior Minister and the former NSW Labor general-secretary resigning over sexual harassment allegations.

“The shamefully sexist start to 2016, which a Liberal Minister and a former Liberal Junior Minister have directly contributed to, underlines the urgent need for a Sex Discrimination Commissioner to be appointed.

“It has been more than 138 days the former Commissioner,  Elizabeth Broderick’s extended term expired, and while the government said late last year the appointment was ‘imminent’, women are still waiting.

“While the outstanding Elizabeth Broderick, who could become our next Australian of the Year,  has left big shoes to fill, there are so many exceptional women, who would admirably carry on Ms Broderick’s respected legacy,” Senator Waters said.

Contact – Monique Vandeleur 0419 626 725