MP’s defection confirms overlap between One Nation and LNP


The Queensland Greens say today’s announcement that Liberal National Party MP, Steve Dickson, is defecting to One Nation is the clearest indication yet of the LNP’s drift to the hard right of politics.

Queensland Greens Convenor Andrew Bartlett says the defection is a huge blow to the LNP’s credibility in Queensland, and shows the difference between One Nation and the LNP is smaller than ever.

“It is virtually certain that the Liberal National Party – which once had principles on this issue – will now do a preference deal with One Nation.

“One Nation is voting almost always to back LNP legislation and do political deals with the LNP in the Senate, while more and more LNP members are echoing the socially and economically destructive rhetoric of One Nation.

“It is now clear that the many Queenslanders who oppose the divisive, damaging agenda of One Nation must now also reject the LNP, as the two parties are now so closely aligned.   

“As we have already seen from a number of One Nation candidates, the party has no plan or policy to strengthen the economy and tackle rife unemployment.

"Instead they single out and attack vulnerable groups in the community, whether it is welfare recipients, gays and lesbians, Muslims or migrants – an approach which more and more LNP members are doing with growing frequency.

Mr Bartlett said "In the seat of Buderim itself, the Greens have an experienced and credible candidate in Sue Etheridge, and have gained strong votes at federal, state and local level across the Sunshine Coast region."

Ms Etheridge said “with a strong support base and presence in the region, today’s defection is further reason for voters to reject the LNP/One Nation alliance and vote Green.

"The Greens will take the fight right up to those promoting the dangerous politics of blame, division and destruction, which does nothing to improve jobs or services in the Sunshine Coast region or protect our local environment.”