No more excuses, axe the tampon tax


The Government’s plan to introduce GST on items bought online for under $1000, due to be debated this week, is chance to abolish the tampon tax say the Australian Greens.

New costings (attached) commissioned by the Australian Greens show that States could axe the tampon tax and still be $185 million better off after the government’s proposed changes to the GST.

The Australian Greens will move amendments to the Treasury Laws Amendment (GST Low Value Goods) Bill in the Senate to abolish GST on sanitary products, and have written (attached) to Treasurers from States and Territories which have not yet supported ditching the tax.

“The tampon tax is a tax on women's biology that financially penalises women for simply existing,” says Australian Greens Deputy and spokesperson for women, Larissa Waters.

“It’s sexist and opportunistic and it’s shameful that successive Labor and Coalition governments have refused to abolish it,” says Australian Greens Deputy and spokesperson for women, Larissa Waters.

“Men earn more than women but there is no tax on male personal products like condoms or lubricants.  For too long successive governments, have been happy to let this sexist tax persist.

“We don’t hold out much hope that the Coalition will do the right thing, since we already know they are happy to balance the Budget on the backs of women so they can give their big business mates a tax break.

“But if the Labor Party has any commitment at all to equality, they will get behind our push to end this gender-based financial discrimination.

“The government’s plan to make GST payable on items purchased online for under $1000 would raise an extra $300 million.

“Removing the GST from sanitary products would cost $115 million, so States and Territories would still be $185 million ahead.

“Revenue loss would no longer be a credible excuse for refusing to axe the sexist tampon tax.

“I have written to the WA, NSW, NT and Tasmanian governments asking them to join Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory to support the removal of this tax.

“I call on the Labor Party and the Coalition to help us end this tax on women's biology”.

Media Release Women