Now to Scrap Queens Wharf Mega Casino


“The Queensland Greens welcome the state government’s decision to scrap the casino development on The Spit on the Gold Coast, but it’s now time to apply the same standards to the Queens Wharf Mega Casino,” said Kirsten Lovejoy Greens candidate for McConnel.

“If they can cancel the casino on the Gold Coast they can cancel the Queens Wharf Mega casino.”

“Just like The Spit, the consultation process for the Queens Wharf Mega Casino was a sham.”

“Just like The Spit, the last thing the Brisbane community wants is a mega casino in the heart of their city. And just like the Gold Coast, Brisbane already has a casino.”

“With our critical lack of schools, green space, public transport and affordable housing how can the State Government privatise 10% of invaluable, public inner city land and hand it over to a private developer to build a mega casino?”

“Last election the Labor party promised no asset sales and now they’re progressing with a plan to privatise 10% of the CBD to build a mega casino. They aren’t selling it, they’re practically giving it away. Now that they’ve finally listened to people on the Gold Coast it’s time to do the same here in Brisbane."

“The State government has passed special laws to allow Queens Wharf Mega Casino to bypass our state’s planning laws and yet they’re talking about community consultation on the Gold Coast.”

Earlier this year we proposed the State government give the people of Brisbane a chance to vote on whether they want to privatise 10% of the CBD to build a mega casino.

“The least Queensland Labor can do is cancel this sham of a process and give the people of Brisbane a say over how public land is used.”

“Brisbane residents can make their voices heard by signing our petition: "