Old parties plan to buddy up to cut $1 billion of clean energy funding as soon as Parliament returns


The Greens condemn the Turnbull Government plan, announced today, to rip more than $1 billion from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency as soon as Parliament returns and Labor's failure this morning to rule out passing the cut. 
On RN Breakfast this morning, Chris Bowen refused to commit Labor to blocking the gutting of ARENA. 
Australian Greens Deputy Leader and climate change spokesperson, Senator Larissa Waters, said:
"Labor is failing dismally to match its clean-energy rhetoric with action and instead is set to buddy up with the Coalition on clean-energy cuts as the first order of business as soon as Parliament returns. 
"Instead of going backwards on clean-energy funding we should be investing more and a good place to find the revenue is by cutting the tens of billions in subsidies that the fossil fuel companies receive. 
"Now is the time to capitalise on the global clean-energy revolution to tackle global warming and to create tens of thousands of new jobs, with training for coal workers who are already losing their jobs. 
"Clearly the old parties are both more concerned with keeping the fossil fuel companies' political donations coming, instead of protecting Australians from extreme weather events and ensuring the survival of the Great Barrier Reef," Senator Waters said.