Old parties want to gut agency funding ground-breaking UNSW solar research


UNSW’s world-leading research, announced today, which breaks a world record for solar efficiency, is funded through the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, which both the old parties want to cut by $1 billion. 
Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and climate change spokesperson, called on Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten to scrap their plans to gut ARENA’s funding. 
“ARENA is powering innovative, world-leading research and both the old parties should drop their plans to cut it by $1 billion,” Senator Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and climate change spokesperson, said. 
“Now is the time to be investing in renewable technology, as the world embraces the clean-energy revolution to create a new wave of sustainable employment and to tackle global warming. 
“Gutting clean-energy funding flies in the face of the Paris climate agreement and jeopardises Australia’s ability to capitalise on the employment opportunities of the global clean-energy transition. 
“The old parties are one and the same when it comes to gutting ARENA and approving new coal mines, which is why today’s National Press Club debate won’t be much of a debate at all. 
“We Greens have the courage and vision to lead the national transition to clean energy, with a transition plan for workers who are already losing their jobs in the dying coal industry,” Senator Waters said.
Contact – Monique Vandeleur 0419 626 725