One Nation 'stands up' for Australians by taking $70,000 from a property developer


Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Queensland Senator Larissa Waters said Pauline Hanson and her party promised voters they would shake up mainstream politics but instead they have taken a leaf straight out of the old two parties’ playbook accepting nearly $70,000 in donations and in-kind support from a major property development company.
“Despite claiming to stand up for marginalised Australians, One Nation is acting just like the other big parties who take money from property developers and big business instead of speaking for communities.
“This company has recently expanded into Brisbane where property developers already ride roughshod over the community and its director freely admits the donation was made to buy influence.
“Political donations from property developers, gambling, alcohol and tobacco companies are banned in NSW, and the Greens are the only party working to legislate a similar ban at a national level to get big business out of our democracy.
“Just like Clive Palmer’s Palmer United Party One Nation is proving that far from responding to grass root community concerns it will only work to further its own interests,” Senator Waters said.
Media contact: Lauren Gillin 0419 626 725

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