Palaszczuk and Turnbull governments buddy up to pour more millions in to the fossil fuel industry


The Palaszczuk and Turnbull governments have together launched another taxpayer-funded handout for mining companies in Brisbane today in the form of the Mining Equipment Technology and Services Industry Growth Centre.

"The old parties are joining together to tip millions more dollars into dying fossil fuel industry," Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and climate change spokesperson, said.

"Mining technology and services workers are grappling with the structural decline of the coal price and other commodities.

"What mining workers need from government is a transition plan, which invests in training for 21st century industries, like clean energy, where the jobs will last.

"Where is the funding from the Queensland Government for renewable technology research? Probably where the 50 per cent renewable energy target it promised in the election is - nowhere to be seen.

"The first task for this new centre is ‘reducing regulatory burden', which flies in the face of Auditor General reports on the poor compliance of mining companies with existing regulations and their toxic legacy of abandoned mines in Queensland.

"We welcome research on new jobs and industries to transition away from fossil fuels, and on mine site rehabilitation, but governments must stop propping up fossil fuels.

"In the effort to halt catastrophic global warming, the world is turning away from fossil fuels. Our governments need to wake up to that economic reality and develop a transition plan, which provides alternatives for coal workers," Senator Waters said.