People power stops sexist 'pick up artist’ tour



The Australian Greens congratulate the online community campaign that has successfully put a stop to Real Social Dynamics’ Australian tour or sexist ‘pick up artist’ seminars.

“When Australians stand together to speak out against violence and sexism we can prevail,” Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and spokesperson for women, said.

“It’s disgraceful that one of the sexist seminars, which promote choking, threatening and abusing women, was reportedly able to go ahead before Jeff Allen left the country.

“While Minister Dutton has now cancelled Jeff Allen’s visa, he has failed to address rampant sexual abuse in immigration detention and recently accidentally revealed his sexist views of a female journalist’s coverage of sexual harassment by a fellow Liberal MP.

“The Liberal Government needs to eradicate sexism from its party, and reverse its funding cuts to women’s refuges and legal centres as part of ending our national domestic violence crisis,” Senator Waters said.

Contact – Monique Vandeleur 0419 626 725