Planning for longer fire seasons urgent shows Climate Council report



Following tragic fires in Western Australia and the Climate Council’s report on bushfire preparedness, the Australian Greens are calling for governments to work together on a plan for longer fire seasons that looks after firefighters.

Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens climate change spokesperson, said:

“As Western Australia grapples with the aftermath of devastating fires that killed four people and South Australia faces catastrophic fire conditions, the Climate Council has released this timely, important report.

“The report finds that as the fire season lengthens due to climate change the number of professional firefighters in Australia will need to double by 2030.

“It also finds that because fire seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are increasingly lengthening and overlapping, shared firefighting equipment like aircraft is in increased demand.

“State and federal governments must urgently work together on Australia’s bushfire preparedness, which will inevitably be strained as the monster El Nino sets in.

“We need a  plan for these hotter, dryer conditions that looks after our firefighters and provides them with the equipment, staffing and support they need to protect Australians over longer fire seasons,” Senator Waters said.

Contact – Monique Vandeleur 0419 626 725