Following yet another report that shows Queensland Labor is ripping off Queenslanders on their power bills, the Queensland Greens have called on the Queensland Labor Government to adopt their Power for People Plan.
“A Grattan Institute report released last night is just more confirmation that the Queensland Labor Government makes billions ripping of Queenslanders on their power bills", says Queensland Greens Member for Maiwar, Michael Berkman.
“We’re being taxed via our electricity bills because Queensland Labor refuse to tax the big corporations that fund them.
“21,000 Queensland households had their power cut off last year because they couldn’t pay their bills.
“That is the second-highest rate of disconnections in the country.
“Last financial year the state government made $3 billion from the profits made by state-owned energy companies.
“That’s 500 per household per year, straight from the pockets of Queensland households to the government.
“Labor’s privatisation of electricity retail has also cost consumers hundreds of dollars a year.
“The Queensland Greens Power for People Plan would stop the Queensland Labor government from profiting off us and save average households up to $600 by stopping the Government rip offs and rolling back Labor’s privatisation.
“Queensland Labor are addicted to the profits they reap from ripping us off."