The Queensland Greens have announced an ambitious plan for a major overhaul of Queensland’s planning system. If the Greens are elected next election they will introduce citizen juries and binding community votes to draft neighbourhood plans, make height limits and greenspace provisions non-negotiable and binding, and roll back Labor’s provision that allowed developers to choose their own assessors.
“Residents feel like they’ve lost control of their neighbourhoods. While development can be fantastic for a area, what we’re seeing at the moment is unsustainable and undemocratic,” says Queensland Greens candidate for McConnel, Kirsten Lovejoy.
“We can’t let property developers dictate how our communities are built.”
“The Greens will introduce real democracy into our planning system by trialing “citizen juries” and community voting on neighbourhood plans to give people a real say in how their neighbourhoods are built.”
“Under the trial neighbourhood plans would be drafted by a panel of residents randomly selected from the community with assistance from architects and town planners. We’ll ensure equality of participation by paying people for their time.”
“Councils would still have to approve the neighbourhood plans but we would give communities the final say through a direct, binding vote.”
“This is about putting people and communities at the heart of our towns and cities.”
“The Greens will also make height limits in neighbourhood plans non-negotiable as well as introducing mandatory requirements for trees and green space.”
“When it comes to planning and development, Labor and the LNP treat communities and local residents with contempt. Developers are allowed to build massive developments with no planning for suitable public infrastructure or how it will affect the local area.”
“We passionately believe that when people are trusted and given real power we will get better neighbourhoods and more engaged residents.”
“I’ve spent a good part of my adult life fighting bad developments - I know the system is broken.”
Media contact: Max Chandler-Mather 0488 199 015.