Qld Labor’s $15 million to "tackle climate change" is laughable


What a joke that Qld Labor’s budget includes a measly $15 million to tackle climate change in Queensland, says Australian Greens Deputy Leader and spokesperson for the Queensland, Larissa Waters.

"Compare this measly $15 million to the $253 million royalty freebie they’re granting Adani over the next five years.

"What about the billion dollars they want to facilitate going to Adani to dig up 2.3 billion tonnes of coal and burn it?

"Adani's deadly mega-coal mine will turbo-charge climate change and cook the Great Barrier Reef.

"You can't  "tackle climate change" or "save the Reef" while support the mine as Queensland Labor is doing.

"This is a cynical ploy to try to con voters into thinking this government actually cares our climate and the Reef.

"All they really care about is paying back the millions given to them by mining companies".

Media Contact- Lauren Gillin 0419 626 725

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