Qld Labor's carbon neutral pledge a joke and a con say Greens


"No party can credibly claim to be rapidly reducing carbon emissions while simultaneously giving handouts to multinational coal companies." said Greens candidate for South Brisbane, Amy MacMahon today.

"The Labor Party's pledge to make the state carbon neutral by 2050 is a con job and a joke."

"Climate change will make all our lives worse, and right now we’re being led by a bunch of visionless cowards who’d rather kick the can down the road then put people ahead of big corporations."

Ms MacMahon said the carbon neutral pledge announced today, was close to meaningless while the state government continued to actively promote and support the expansion of new thermal coal mines in Queensland.

"Let's be clear. The Queensland Labor government is not only falling over itself to promote the giant Adani coal mine but have also repeatedly said they want to open up the entire Galilee Basin - the largest thermal coal deposit in the world.

“Climate change is the product of a political system that puts big corporations ahead of people and while Labor and the LNP remain in the pockets of dodgy corporations like Adani, nothing will change.”

"Renewable energy provides more jobs, and reliable cheaper energy for Queenslanders, as well as plenty of export opportunities," Ms MacMahon said.

“The Queensland Greens are the party for people, Labor and the LNP are the party for dodgy coal corporations.”

Contact: Max Chandler Mather 0488199015