Qld Nickel should have been made to pay for job-intensive rehabilitation of site up front



Revelations that the state government failed to secure a bond for the rehabilitation of the Qld Nickel are deeply disappointing.

“It’s disgraceful that the state government failed to secure a bond from the company for the job-intensive rehabilitation of the site,” Qld Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader, said.

“If the refinery is shut down, rehabilitation would provide much-needed local jobs and would be essential to protect locals’ health, as well as tourism jobs by removing the pollution threat to the Great Barrier Reef.

“This is part of the broader problem of the state government failing to collect and enforce rehabilitation bonds for resource projects.

“As commodity prices fall, especially for coal, there’s a real risk that taxpayers will be left to foot the bill for cleaning up abandoned projects.  

“The Greens have released a plan to audit and enforce rehabilitation bonds before resources companies go bust to secure funding for jobs in rehabilitation and to restore environmental damage.

“It’s such a crying shame that the money was not secured up front from Qld Nickel when it was profitable to secure rehabilitation jobs for now-sacked workers and others worried about their families’ futures if the refinery is shut down.

“The Greens have also proposed a massive investment in regional clean energy jobs as part of our plan for at least 90% clean energy by 2030,” Senator Waters said.

Our plan for 90% clean energy by 2030: http://renewaustralia.org.au/

Contact – Monique Vandeleur 0419 626 725