Queensland Greens statement on the Queensland Alcohol Legislation



The Queensland Greens say that casinos should not have been exempted from the state government’s legislation reducing alcohol trading hours, but the laws are still likely to help in reducing violence.

Greens spokesperson Andrew Bartlett said “there is strong evidence that reducing the total overall hours that alcohol is sold does reduce alcohol related harm.  I’ve never seen anyone say this evidence doesn’t apply to alcohol consumed in casinos.”

“The evidence also shows that easy access to cheaply priced alcohol – through bottleshops and alcohol take-aways – is a huge part of the problem. Research presented at a forum in Parliament House just this morning found that 65-80% people ‘pre-drink’ before going out, and those people were much more likely to experience violence.

“It is very disappointing that the agreement announced today does not end existing midnight trading rights for some bottleshops, as recommended by the government members on the Parliamentary Committee that examined this issue.

“Instead the legislation will not allow any new licences for trading past 10pm, but let those currently allowed to trade until midnight to continue to do so.”

“The Greens are concerned about likely job losses and potential negative impacts on local music and artistic culture.  This will become clearer as local communities and businesses adjust and adapt, but it is very clear that the gambling industry won’t be among the losers.

“We need to do more to tackle harmful drinking culture. We also need to do more to tackle harmful gambling culture.”

“We still have a lot of work to do to address a culture that accepts and celebrates overconsumption of alcohol, and a big problem with acceptance of violence in general.  The latest Queensland alcohol laws must be a sign to strengthen this debate.

“The Greens are also disappointed that the review of the impacts of these laws has now been pushed out to 2 years, rather than the initially proposed 18 months, as this will move it beyond the next election,” Mr Bartlett concluded.

For further comment, contact Andrew Bartlett on 0418 743 789.