The Queensland Greens have welcomed ex-industry executive and former industry insider Hugh Grant’s endorsement of the Queensland Greens' Power for People policy.
“Hugh Grant believes the Greens policy will save people up to $600 on their power bills, by cracking down on the profits of state owned energy companies and private retailers. That's $550 more than Labor’s $50 cop out,” says Amy MacMahon, Greens candidate for South Brisbane.
Under the Queensland Greens households will save up to $600 a year on their power bills, through cracking down on the profits made by state owned energy companies and abolishing private electricity retailers.
“Last financial year the state government made close to $3 billion from the profits made by state owned energy companies. This money came straight from the pockets of Queensland households.”
“The Premier’s $50 offer is a joke compared to the real profits gouged from Queenslanders by state owned companies through what is effectively an unfair tax.”
“The Premier’s empty threat to private retailers is even worse because it was Labor that created private electricity retailers in the first place by privatising electricity retail in 2006.”
"Energex, Powerlink and Ergon are acting just like profit hungry corporations based on the fantasy that the market fixes everything."
"We need an electricity system run for people, not profit. By scrapping private electricity retailers and transitioning state owned energy companies to nonprofit public authorities that focus on delivering cheap, clean and reliable electricity, we will save households $600."
More at: greens.org.au/qld/powerpeople
Contact: Max Chandler-Mather: 0488199015.