Queensland Labor and Adani join forces, Queensland taxpayers get screwed over


Queensland Labor has broken their promise to Queenslanders that there would be no taxpayer handouts for Adani, say the Australian Greens.

“After being publicly shamed for secretly offering Adani a $320 million royalty freebie, Queensland Labor have cooked up another deal that hands out taxpayer-funded favours to all mining companies”, said Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Senator for Queensland, Larissa Waters.

Polling released today confirms Queenslanders don’t want to fund Adani’s deadly mega-coal mine, and in a demonstration of who they really work for, Queensland Labor is ignoring them”.

“Doling out public money to mining companies is clear payback for the $3.5 million in donations Labor accepted from the mining industry”.

Queensland Greens Candidate for South Brisbane, Amy MacMahon, said “after Adani threatened to pull the plug on the mega-mine it only took Queensland Labor a few days to offer up a new sweetheart deal and beg them to stay”.

“It’s genuinely pathetic and sad to watch the Labor Party grovel at the feet of a multi-national mining corporation”.

“Queensland Labor are giving Adani a massive tax break. Adani gave the two old parties $74,500. And we get screwed”.

“Queenslanders who want sustainable jobs created for regional Queensland, and who want genuine climate action not broken promises will vote for the party that doesn’t take mining donations – the Greens”.

Media Release Mining and Resources