Queensland Labor can’t keep a promise for two days on Adani


Just two days after Palaszczuk promised her government wouldn't be the middleman that helps funnel public funds to Adani, the Queensland Treasurer has contradicted her.

“Treasurer Curtis Pitt’s intervention today in the power struggle between Palaszczuk and Trad shows the issue is far from settled”, says Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Queensland Senator, Larissa Waters.

"Queensland Labor says they won’t pass public money to Adani but two days later the Treasurer says they will comply with the Master Facility Agreement agreed with the Federal Government.’

"Treasurer Pitt said in November 2016 that the Master Facility Agreement was a ‘pass-through financial agreement’”

“Malcolm Turnbull and Queensland Labor should immediately release the Master Facility Agreement for public scrutiny.

“It’s not enough for Queensland Labor to pretend to wash their hands of the administration of this money, they need to use their legislated veto power to stop public money being given to Adani.

“Anything less is simply Labor breaking its election promise that it would not give public money to this dodgy multinational coal company.

“It’s no wonder Jackie Trad and Grace Grace are worried about losing their seats to the Greens next State election.

Media Release Mining and Resources