Queensland Labor must scrap Adani’s suitable operator status


Queensland Greens candidate for Mount Coot-tha and state spokesperson Michael Berkman says Queensland Labor must revoke Adani’s suitable operator status after a brief detailed the company's disastrous ethical and environmental track record.  

“Bribery, corruption, power price rip-offs, diamond laundering, worker abuse, environmental destruction, tax evasion and sinking coal ships is all in a day’s work for Adani”, said Michael Berkman.

“Queensland Labor betrayed Queenslanders when it created legal loopholes and assigned ‘critical infrastructure’ status to fast track Adani’s deadly mega-coal mine.

“The release today of the Adani brief detailing the environmentally ruinous record of this multinational mining company is another reminder of Queensland Labor’s gross negligence in supporting this dreadful project.

“In the wake of the revelations contained in the brief, Queensland Labor has no choice but to revoke Adani’s “suitable operator” status.

“Queensland Labor has received $23,700 from Adani in the past four years - we can only conclude this is why they’re acting for Adani and not Queensland’s future generations”.