Reef, climate & jobs at risk: Greens say fight to control land clearing must continue


The Greens say the fight to control large scale land clearing in Queensland will continue.

Greens spokesperson Andrew Bartlett says "our environment, economy and climate simply can't afford to have such significant damage continue to be inflicted on it."

"There is no doubt that the Liberal National Party's refusal to support sensible environmental protection is once again putting the world heritage status of the Great Barrier Reef Marine park at risk, along with the tens of thousands of jobs that rely on it.

"The Greens will campaigning hard right up to the state election to highlight the facts on land clearing, and how hugely irresponsible it is to continue to promote even more carbon emissions through ongoing land clearing, as well as the further expansion of coal and coal seam gas, which both Labor and the Liberal National Party continue to support.

"The planet has just experienced the hottest month on record, and the Reef and Marine Park are under major threat.

"The 'modern' Liberal Party is clearly now fully in the grip of a hard right wing which puts ideology ahead of science, and puts thousands of jobs and the health of our climate and Reef at risk for political point-scoring."

For further comment, contact Andrew Bartlett on 0418 743 789.