Referendum for Four Year Terms Deserves to Fail


The Queensland Greens say the referendum being held on Saturday deserves to fail, with the Labor and Liberal parties’ unwillingness to campaign in support of the proposal for four year terms showing the idea is seriously flawed.
Greens spokesperson Andrew Bartlett says it is clearly a deliberate strategy of the big parties to try to slip the referendum through with little public debate while attention was focused on local Council elections.
“The idea of four year terms might seem reasonable at first glance, but the more people look at the idea and realise the dangers and risks, the more likely they are to say no.
“Liberal and Labor are clearly just hoping people focus on the local Council elections and give the referendum little thought.
“Any proposal to give giving extra power to politicians whilst adding no extra protections against the abuse of that power will never by supported by the public once they realise that is what is being put forward.”
For further comment, contact Andrew Bartlett on 0418 743 789.