Renewables sidelined for coal and gas in Qld Government’s Draft Infrastructure Plan



The Queensland Government’s Draft Infrastructure Plan, released today, confirms its obsession with coal and gas and hardly mentions renewable energy.

Qld Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader, said:

“In the election, Labor talked the talk on renewables, promising a 50 per cent renewable energy target by 2030.

“But now in government, they’ve gone silent on renewable energy, which is barely mentioned in the draft infrastructure plan.

“Queenslanders are sick of waiting for Labor to come good on their clean energy promises.

“The draft plan is devoid of any actual measures to support clean energy and instead espouses the Palaszczuk Government’s support for the Galilee Basin coal mines.

“The push for more gas power in the plan is a recipe for more fracking which threatens our state’s farmland, groundwater and environment.

“We have job-rich viable renewable alternatives that don’t sacrifice our Great Barrier Reef tourism, agricultural industry or climate.

“The Palaszczuk Government needs to wake up to the economic reality that Queensland’s future is not in coal but in clean energy and we need a transition plan to protect coal workers,” Senator Waters said.

Contact – Monique Vandeleur 419 626 725