Review of political donations commences


The Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters is conducting a review into political donations as part of its inquiry into the conduct of the 2016 election.


Key dates



Due by close of business Monday 4 September 2017


Public hearings

15 September, 20 October 2017 and further dates as required


The committee released its second interim report covering foreign donations in March this year, which highlighted the complexity of political donations more generally.

The committee believes a multi-partisan review will answer questions concerning transparency, political campaigning and the scope or need for changing legal definitions within the Electoral Act.

“The Committee is determined to develop a robust and transparent political donation process, which requires bipartisan support,” committee chair Senator Linda Reynolds said.

“Rebuilding trust in politics is absolutely vital, and a shared responsibility. Reforming political donations is at the very heart of this challenge,” committee deputy chair Andrew Giles said.

“The potential corrupting influence of political donations must be addressed if we are to restore some public confidence in our democratic institutions,” committee member Senator Lee Rhiannon said.

The review will also consider the contemporary context and other aspects of Part XX of the Electoral Act, which refers to election funding and financial disclosure.

Interested organisations and individuals are invited to make submissions, including those who have already made submissions to the inquiry.  Submissions must address the terms of reference.

For more information about the inquiry and how to lodge a submission visit

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