Rhetoric about clean energy in Townsville needs to be backed up



The Palaszczuk Government needs to back up its rhetoric about the merged Energex and Ergon business using clean energy technology in Townsville.

“Queensland can be a  renewable energy powerhouse and Townsville has the potential to lead the nation in baseload solar power,” Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens climate change spokesperson, said.

“Townsville is connected to the National Electricity Market and has outstanding capacity for solar energy with abundant sunshine above the threshold typically required to solar thermal power stations, even during winter.   

“It’s encouraging to hear the Palaszczuk Government talk about the potential for the merged energy distribution business in Townsville to work on solar technology.

“But nothing more than rhetoric has been delivered on clean energy today.  

“The Queensland Government should urgently implement the Queensland Renewable Energy Target it promised in the election.

“A Queensland Renewable Energy Target could encourage large scale solar near Townsville which could feed into the merged distribution business.

“The Greens have released a plan for a concentrated solar thermal plant near Townsville which could create 1700 jobs.

“Research by Beyond Zero Emissions shows that building at 760 megawatt solar thermal plant could create 1300 construction jobs, 240 permanent jobs and 225 jobs manufacturing the component ‘heliostat’ mirrors,” Senator Waters said.

More info about our plan for baseload solar power in Townsville:  Townsville Solar.pdf

Read about our plan to achieve 90% renewable energy across Australia by 2030 here 

Contact – Monique Vandeleur 0419 626 725