Senate report shows state government must act on container deposit scheme and plastic bag bans


The Queensland Greens say a Senate Committee report on marine plastic pollution shows the state Labor government must act urgently to implement a container deposit scheme.
Greens spokesperson Andrew Bartlett says “the state Labor government has delayed too long on responding to the calls for action on a container deposit scheme and plastic bags.
“The evidence to the Senate Committee is clear and categorical – the problem of plastic pollution in our waterways is serious, urgent and getting worse.  The time for action is now.
“The predictable, self-interested opposition from industry has delayed action for too long. The evidence is already very clear that container deposit schemes and plastic bag controls deliver results in reducing rubbish and pollution without significant problems for consumers.
“While some of the measures recommended in the report need to be implemented nationally, state governments also have a critical role to play.  The Greens call on the state Labor government to demonstrate their commitment to our environment by taking effective action now.”
The Senate Committee report recommended in favour of introducing container deposit schemes and banning single-use plastic bags.
For further comment, contact Andrew Bartlett on 0418 743 789.