They have had 25 years to fix the date say the Greens


The Electoral Commission Queensland has just released the Official Yes and No Cases for the upcoming referendum. The arguments have barely changed in 25 years say the Greens.
"It remains a terrible idea"  said Greens spokesperson Andrew Bartlett today.
"They are trotting out the same old nonsense arguments about the need for ‘stability’ and ‘certainty for business’ but they are just as hollow as they were in the 1991 referendum".
"Elections are one of the foundation stones of our society. They should not be dismissed as an inconvenience by politicians or business." 
“Fixed terms are a good idea, but what they have not told voters is that they, the Government, could have fixed the date without ever needing to go to a referendum." 
"They could fix the dates tomorrow if they wished. What they really want is longer terms and less elections"
“It is really not surprising that one of the rare things the two major parties have been able to agree upon is giving themselves more time without having to face the judgement of voters,” Mr Bartlett said.
“The 1991 push for fewer elections was supported by both Labor and Liberal parties, but failed because voters saw through the nonsense YES arguments. The Greens, the Katter Party, the Qld Council of Civil Liberties will be arguing the NO CASE”
“Fewer elections means less accountability, something which is already severely lacking in Queensland. We are the only state without an Upper House."
For further comment, contact Andrew Bartlett on 0418 743 789.