Turnbull government is putting the lives of women and children fleeing domestic violence at risk


As parliament prepares to resume next week the Australian Greens are calling on the Turnbull government to commit to life-saving domestic violence services.

“Community Legal Centres assisting survivors of domestic violence face a 30 per cent funding cut come July, meaning less staff helping fewer women and children,” said Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens and spokesperson for women Larissa Waters.

“The Turnbull Government can overturn this Abbott-era cut with the stroke of a pen, and should do so before more women and children lose their lives.

“Just last month I visited a Community Legal Centre on the Gold Coast and spoke to frontline workers who told me funding cuts will mean they turn away women and children fleeing violence.

“Today that community is reeling from yet another horrific and tragic murder of woman fleeing domestic violence.

“If we really want to end this national crisis that impacts one in three Australian women and sees more than one woman murdered by their current or former partner each week, we need more than words.

“Talk is cheap, it is time for Malcolm Turnbull to put his money where his mouth is and stop the funding cuts”.

“Why on earth would any government with a heart put women and children fleeing violence in further danger by cutting funding?”

Contact: Lauren Gillin  0419 626 725

Media Release Women