Turnbull Govt ignores experts and community in push to stifle enforcement of environment law



The government-dominated Senate Inquiry into the government’s bill to limit public enforcement of environment law has ignored community opposition, scientific evidence and legal advice by recommending the bill in its report today.

The Australian Greens’ dissenting report highlights community opposition and legal experts’ arguments against the bill.

“Over 20,000 Australians took the time to write to the Committee to oppose the Bill, and the Australian Greens applaud them,” Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens environment spokesperson, said.

“Traditional owners, farmers, lawyers, environmentalists and ordinary Australians are standing up for their rights to enforce our national environment law and the Turnbull Government is ignoring them in favour of its big mining buddies. 

“The government is also ignoring expert advice that community enforcement of environment law is in the public interest.

“What’s more, lawyers argue the government’s changes would actually complicate and prolong legal actions by making it less clear who would have the right to enforce environment law.

“All Australians should have the right to enforce environment law, regardless of where they live.

“It doesn’t matter where you live, across our country, Australians care deeply about protecting our Great Barrier Reef and fertile agricultural land, like the Liverpool Plains.

“The Turnbull Government is trying to take away Australians’ legal rights to stand up for our land, water, climate and environment so that big mining companies can get away with destroying whatever they want,” Senator Waters said.

Contact – Monique Vandeleur 0419 626 725