Turnbull Govt should contribute Australia’s fair share to the Green Climate Fund it wants to chair



The Turnbull Government’s decision to nominate as a co-chair of the international Green Climate Fund is hypocritical, given its inadequate contribution to the fund, pitiful climate pollution reduction targets and approvals of new coal mines.  

“They’ve got to be kidding,” Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and climate change spokesperson, said.  

“Australia has no credibility in overseeing the Green Climate Fund when this government is simultaneously trying to open the Southern Hemisphere’s largest coal mine in Queensland.

“We are the largest per capita emitter of carbon pollution of any developed country  and the Turnbull Government’s measly reduction targets will keep it that way.

“It’s just as hypocritical as Australia’s bid for the UN Human Rights Council in spite of our disgraceful treatment of people seeking asylum.”

“The Turnbull Government’s current commitment of $200m over four years to the Green Climate Fund is far less than Australia's estimated fair share of $350m per year.

“What’s worse, is that the money was ripped out of our already reduced foreign aid budget.

“If the Turnbull Government is serious about helping developing countries deal with global warming, it must dramatically improve Tony Abbott’s woeful targets before Paris and stop approving new coal mines,” Senator Waters said.

Contact – Monique Vandeleur 0419 626 725