Turnbull govt will condemn the Reef with billion dollar loan to Adani


The Turnbull government has reportedly given "conditional approval" for a $1 billion loan of public money to build the railway for the Reef-destroying Adani Carmichael mega coal mine, say the Australian Greens.
“This is in the same year that coal-driven global warming caused the worst ever mass coral bleaching, killing 22% of the Great Barrier Reef, said Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Senator for Queensland, Larissa Waters.
“With this decision the government is condemning the Reef to worse bleaching and jeopardising the 70,000 jobs it provides.
“With Queensland Labor creating loopholes for Adani and fast-tracking this disastrous project, and the federal Liberal-Nationals moving to pour in public money, it's clearer than ever that big corporations call the shots, not ordinary Australians.
“Big coal has captured our politics, but we will fight them every step of the way.
“Queensland communities doing it tough deserve a bright future, and we already have the clean energy alternatives to this climate-wrecking disaster.”

Media ReleaseEnvironment and Biodiversity