Voters right to be cynical on referendum: Greens.


The Queensland Greens say voters are right to be cynical about the Labor and Liberal parties' referendum to introduce four year terms in Queensland, with unpopular policies like privitisation more likely to be introduced if governments get more time in power.
Greens spokesperson Andrew Bartlett says the renewed push for privitisation by former Premiers, Campbell Newman and Peter Beattie, shows people in both the Liberal and Labor parties are not going to give up on the idea.
Mr Bartlett said this is an obvious example of why voters should be reluctant to give governments more time in power before having to face the voters.
"Despite voters repeatedly making it crystal clear that we do not support and do not want privatisation, corporate interests and key figures within both larger parties keep trying to bring it back from the dead.
"The public cynicism which former Premier Rob Borbidge identified when expressing fear the referendum will fail is not some vague disaffection with politics in general. It is a valid cynicism based on direct experience of governments getting elected saying one thing and almost immediately doing another."
"Giving governments more time to rush through measures they know the public doesn't want will inevitably mean policies like privatisation will keep resurfacing, no matter how often the public rejects them.
"Queensland is the only state without an Upper House to protect against bad actions by government. Elections are the only protection voters have against politicians who ignore the views of the community.
"The Greens have opposed moves for four year terms ever since they were first announced. We urge voters to trust their instincts and vote no at the referendum."
For further comment, contact Andrew Bartlett on 0418 743 789.