We’ve heard this all before. You can’t trust Labor on Adani


One thing about Labor’s position on Adani is certain. Bill Shorten’s supposed “opposition” will melt away after the Batman by-election.

Speaking on ABC’s 7.30 last night the former head of the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) says Mr Shorten’s opposition to the Adani mine is hardening.

“We’ve heard this all before, Labor say one thing on Adani when facing the ballot box and another when the election is over, says Queensland Greens Senator Andrew Bartlett.

“In the lead up to the Queensland Election Deputy Premier Jackie Trad - facing a significant challenge from the Queensland Greens in her seat - refused to put on the public record her unequivocal support for Adani.

“Stories appeared in the media about how the Deputy Premier supposedly argued for a tougher approach behind the scenes.

“Now just four months after the election Ms Trad is happy to put on record her disappointment that work on Adani has not started.

“You couldn’t trust Queensland Labor and the Deputy Premier on Adani, and you can’t trust Federal Labor and the Opposition Leader either", said Senator Bartlett.

Media Release Mining and Resources