Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV)

(Adopted February 2022)


The Queensland Greens believe that:

  1. An urgent and rapid transition to Zero Emissions Vehicles (ZEV) and away from Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) is a vital step in addressing the fossil fuel driven climate crisis.
  2. Supporting the emerging manufacturing and employment opportunities that will become available as part of the transition to electric vehicles, batteries, fuel cells and green hydrogen is a crucial aspect of this adaptation.
  3. Careful and transparent planning is required to ensure that the transition to ZEV transportation benefits all Queenslanders.


The Queensland Greens will:

  1. Establish government funded facilities that provide leadership, best practice research, planning, support and training in relation to ZEVs.
  2. Increase funding for universities for research into ZEV technologies.
  3. Fund training programs for ZEV servicing & operation as a part of transitioning supporting industries.
  4. Extend existing and establish additional charging station networks, including fast charging stations, across urban and rural areas in Queensland.
  5. Support local Government and not for profit organisations in adapting their facilities to provide charging infrastructure.
  6. Provide subsidies to reduce the cost of zero emissions mass transport solutions.
  7. Investigate and implement measures to support the emerging EV industry in Queensland and adopt policy settings that encourage associated manufacturing jobs to remain in Queensland.
  8. Ensure battery technology, as used in ZEVs, will have a reuse and recycling industry established in Queensland.