Victorian News

Adjournment: Arthurs Seat Eagle

8 May, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, and it relates to the...

Government still failing to establish a Retirement Housing Ombudsman

8 May, 2018 - Lidia Thorpe - Question in Parliament: My question is for the Minister for Consumer Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation. In March last year the ...

Greens to introduce bill to remove tampon tax

8 May, 2018 - The Australian Greens will today give notice to introduce a bill to the Senate to repeal the tampon tax. “After 18 years, it’s time to finally axe...

Janet on the extension of Regional Forest Agreements

8 May, 2018 - Senator RICE (Victoria) (17:47):  I move: That the Senate take note of the documents. These amendments to the regional forest agreements for the C...

Malcolm Turnbull’s Trump-style budget a dead end for Australia

8 May, 2018 - “Rarely do budgets give us such stark choices about what kind of future we want for our country, but this one surely does. We have a clear choice ...

Motion: Legislative Council regional sitting

8 May, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — I am very pleased to speak on this motion moved today by Ms Lovell, requesting: That this house — (1)   rec...

Call for Labor to back Greens bill to end live sheep exports

7 May, 2018 - The end to live sheep exports within two years is now within reach if Labor and the cross bench back the Greens bill to transition out of live ani...

Petition: Greyhound Racing

7 May, 2018 - This petition has been set up by the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds. Since the live baiting scandal in 2015, greyhound racing has been...

Schools still neglected in Northcote and Thronbury

7 May, 2018 - Lidia Thorpe - Speech in Parliament: Today I would like to speak about school funding in my electorate of Northcote. I have called on the governme...

Pill testing trial needed in Victoria

4 May, 2018 - The Victorian Greens are calling on the Andrews Government to commit to a pill testing pilot following the success of a similar process in the ACT...

Greens welcome plan to 'Repower Australia'

3 May, 2018 - Greens welcome plan to 'Repower Australia' Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today welcomed the release of a plan to ‘Re...

Appointment of Parliamentary Budget Officer

1 May, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) (12:22:31) — I move: That the Council take note of the report. The report outlines the process that the Publi...

Financial and performance outcomes 2016-17

1 May, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) (12:19:50) — I would also like to speak briefly on the financial and performance outcomes report tabled today...

I'll keep fighting for our stadium for women's sports

1 May, 2018 - Lidia Thorpe has expressed disapointment that the Andrews Government has failed to invest in the Darebin Sport Stadium in the 2018 Budget, a much ...